Year 9 Form Class Representatives

2017 Year 9 Form Class Representatives:
Back row: Laura Stone (9SO), Jonny Anquetil (9BU), Chelsey Reid (9BU), Ayman Dean (9ST), Samuel Cooke (9TW)
Front row: Lauren Sletcher (9WI), Cathy Cao (9TW), Paige Fairless (9SY), Harrison Stuart (9SO), George Shamon (9SY), Fawaz Khan (9WI)
Absent: Baha Anas (9MW), Georgia Lincoln (9MW), Melodie Reddish (9ST)

At Newlands College, we value everyone’s ideas, feelings, and opinions. From Year 9s to Year 13s, we believe that every student voice should be heard. It is because of this, that every year a Student Executive is elected. It is the job of the Student Executive to listen to the ideas and feelings of the students of Newlands College, and find ways that they can make Newlands College a great experience for every student.

To enable this system to work more easily, and help the flow of communication, we also have two representatives from each form class. It is their job to:

  • Work closely and cooperatively with other Form Class Representatives, the Year Level Dean, the student Executive members and the Deputy Principal.
  • Chair Form class meetings.
  • Take matters discussed from your Form class meeting to Year Level meetings.
  • Attend Year Level meetings as and when called for by the Dean and/or Deputy Principal and/or Executive member.
  • Report to your Form class meetings and Deans assemblies on matters discussed at Year Level meetings.

The Form Class representatives also elected two amongst them to be the Year 9 Form Representatives: Cathy Cao (9TW) and George Shamon (9SY). Below is an explanation from Cathy and George about their role.

Hey, guys! 
George and I are your year level representatives, we are both pleased, honoured and humbled to be in this position. 

Some information that you guys might find interesting is the reason why we nominated our self to be in this job. Personally, I liked the idea of assisting fellow students with having their voice heard. But all so developing communication, negotiation, team-working, leadership, problem solving and organisational skills and experiences. 

So what is our job? Basically, our role is to put forward the ideas and opportunities you guys would like to happen in your first year of college.  We gather your views regarding various aspects and to communicate those to the executive.

The comments you guys give us can be positive feedback on aspects which worked well or concerns about issues which affect your experience on being a NC student. We also report back to you about the main points of discussions that could take place at our meetings, and to share information about any action that is going to undertake. 

Throughout the year,  come to us or your form rep students if you have any suggestions or just if you need general support. We are your friends too, we won't bite don't worry and of course, we will understand and listen to your worries. But the overall aim is to improve the learning experience for you guys!


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