Year 9 Writing Week

A couple of weeks ago, all of the year 9 English classes had to write a story and then put them into a display referencing a genre of writing or a movie/book. Now these had to be created in complete secrecy, none of the other classes knew what the other classes were doing unless you had spies who went and asked friends what they were doing or looking through cracks in blocked up windows. Anyways the English teacher picked two people to be presenters. What their job was to do was be there at lunch and describe to the judges what your display was about and those presenters had to be there that same night to present to parents and read out two pieces of writing. At the moment all the displays are in the library to look at.

By Ryan Charman 9ST

Here are the displays the different classes came up with:
9BU: Expectation vs Reality

9MW: Fright Night

9SO: High School Stereotypes

9ST: What's lurking in your cupboard?

9SY: The Enchanted Enemy

9TW: Death Sentence

9WI: Journey through Dreamland


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